We need Cindy Carter's leadership
As a parent of an 18-, a 16-, and a 12-year-old, I have found that we are in a battle for the well being of our children. All three of our children have been victims of physical and verbal bullying. Shortly after losing a close friend of his to suicide, our oldest son received a hand-written letter stuck in his car door effectively saying that he should “just die.” He hid the note for months until we accidentally discovered it in his car. Is it any wonder that we’re dealing with a crisis with our youth committing suicide?
Commissioner Cindy Carter set up a community suicide prevention forum held at Big Bend where she personally enlisted the help of Katey McPherson and Collin Kartchner, who traveled from Arizona and Utah to address the reality of our situation. Cindy addressed the audience thanking us for our attendance, stating that in the beginning of her tenure as county commissioner her job was basically making sure building permits were issued faster through the Planning Department. Now, however, her efforts have been forced to shift to the mental health of our youth as that has, in her opinion, become the greatest crisis we are facing as a county.
I agree with Commissioner Carter, and am grateful for her efforts with our youth. They are the true future of our county, and she recognizes that making sure our youth are vibrant, healthy, and confident ensures a strong county for years to come. I trust Commissioner Carter with the future of my children. Please vote for Cindy Carter for County Commissioner. We need her leadership and vision now more than ever.
Paul Davies
Royal City