Terry Brewer for PUD commission
I have known Terry for 15-plus years, quite some time before he became a PUD commissioner. Terry has integrity, incredible character and is highly qualified for the PUD Commissioner position. There is no question in my mind that he is the best person to work through, and address the complexity of challenges we face. His dedication to this resource we have has been tireless; in fact, he has not missed one PUD meeting in the last five years.
There is unfortunate buzz that if you vote for one candidate you are voting for agriculture, and if you vote for another you are voting for industry. It’s simply not true – if you vote for Terry Brewer, he is in favor of retaining both agriculture and industry, in addition to keeping our residential rates as low as possible. Long before Terry became a commissioner, he spoke about how critical agriculture was to our economy and that we must retain farming and the local industries that support the farmers. He also understood that other industries we were able to attract and retain would strengthen our community, bring living wage jobs to our residents and supplement the cost of the PUD to all of us. He understands that if our large industrial users go away or choose to relocate, we will all be paying more for our power.
Please join me in voting for Terry Brewer. He understands the big picture – we the residents, our farmers, small businesses and large industry are all critical to our community.
Lynn Garza
Moses Lake