Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Remember to love one another

Our lives begin with love, from the moment we hear that first heartbeat, to holding that tiny newborn, and yes to even hearing that first cry. We can’t help but love that God given miracle. We sacrifice, we teach and we build relationships. Not just with our own children but with people you grew up with, co-workers, spouses, friends and family. So why do we find it so hard to love all these people in all our lives today? John 13:34 says “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.”

This week is a great week to remember how much God loves us by giving us his only son to die for our sins. The ultimate sacrifice was done out of love for everyone. Everything we do on a daily basis, teach, sacrifice, build relationships, learn and love, Jesus does that for us also. He has set the example and paved the way to eternal life and it all began with his love for us. All he asks in return is to love him, love each other and share the good news of the Gospel.

Church is not a religious ceremony, or a building. The church is every person who believes that Jesus died for them and works everyday to love every person they come into contact with. We might not like everyone all the time or their opinions all the time but we are commanded to love everyone. I challenge you to start today. To love the person that cut you off in the McDonald’s drive-thru, they must be in a hurry and might have saved you from an accident up ahead. To love the co-worker who is difficult to get along with, we know nothing of that person’s home life. To love all children because we are living and breathing examples to every child. Love your neighbor as yourself. We are not tasked to be perfect everyday but we should strive to live by and have the characteristics of Christ in our everyday lives. I invite you to let all anger in your life go and love. Life begins and ends with love.

This column was written on behalf of the Moses Lake Christian Ministerial Association.