Sunday, January 05, 2025

Sylvia Hammond is what our district needs

| June 28, 2018 3:00 AM

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Sylvia Hammond for State Representative, 13th Legislative District. Our district, now more than ever, needs Sylvia to represent us. With a background as a farmer, a teacher and a volunteer, she has walked in many of our shoes; she will work tirelessly to address the needs of all the individuals and families in the 13th Legislative District. She’s been part of this community for the past 38 years; she knows our lifestyles and needs.

Of critical importance at this juncture in our political history, Sylvia listens to all sides of an issue before making a decision. She will reach across the aisle to develop consensus, and puts principles before party politics. She will bring civility and integrity to the position. She will not disrespect her constituents with name-calling and insults. She will be a role model for our children, not someone whose past should be hidden because of alleged harassment of others. Sylvia will provide us with the leadership needed to ensure that issues important to Eastern Washington are heard and addressed.

Since entering the campaign she has been energetically going from community to community, knocking on doors, meeting the public, marching in parades (I was pleased to get to know her at the Easton Memorial Parade). Her hard-working quality will accompany her to Olympia as our representative. A vote for Sylvia Hammond is a vote for our district moving forward in economic development, health and safety for all citizens, quality education for our children and equal treatment under the law for all.

Lynne Harrison
