Sunday, January 05, 2025

We need to stand united to make our country better

| June 7, 2018 3:00 AM

When will those in Congress and higher officials impeach Trump for the Russian investigation, corruption and lies to the FBI and the American people? Now Trump has become the pardon fairy. Really, there are innocent people incarcerated. Pardon them, not just those that benefit Trump.

Everybody just wishes to pass the buck. Hopefully in our next election people will register and vote those in office for the American people to stand united. Wasting time and money on a wall and on government shutdowns. There are other issues: DACA, other countries that have been affected by hurricanes and have no power. It’s time to pass a Washington law giving grandparents rights to their grandchildren.

We’re supposed to be the land of opportunity and not judged by race, gender or ethnicity. We’re all God’s children. Our Constitution was written and signed that all are created equal. We know that ain’t true. Guess someone forgot to read the small print. Everyone knows things change for those of a different race.

How many school shootings have to happen to innocent lives before one makes a stand against the NRA? You wish to punish those who make a stand in sports because of the National Anthem. Open your eyes. Trump brought racism. How is he any different from Hitler? We allow some immigrants because of money, and only build one wall at one border.

For centuries we have always spoken but here you wish to take Native American land and drill. Where does the buck stop? Great men have made a difference like John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and we’re going back in time rather than to better our country and relations with other nations. Only we can make a difference if we stand united.

Linda Toscano
