Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Congress must answer for Trumpnapping

| December 6, 2018 2:00 AM

We ask your readers to contact their members of Congress with this message:

What are you doing about the 2,324 teenagers who were Trumpnapped (kidnapping for political purposes) from their parents and some held at least six months in the Tornillo, Texas tent prison camp with 2,100 staff who have not been cleared by the FBI to make sure no criminals or child molesters have access to the children? Explain that.

These children have not been charged with a crime, yet they continue to be held against their will. Why are they being illegally imprisoned? Why haven’t you stopped this? Explain.

What are you doing about the mistreatment of these children? Explain.

What are you doing about all the legal, ethical, and moral issues raised with this illegal imprisonment of Trumpnapped children charged with no crime? Explain this.

Why does the United States government continue to illegally Trumpnap children and illegally imprison them for committing no crime? Explain this.

As your constituents, we expect an answer before Congress recesses for the holidays, which these children will not be celebrating with their family members unless you and your Congressional colleagues do something to stop this now.

Duane and Jonnie Pitts

Moses Lake