Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Columbia Valley Administration proposed

by Dennis L. Clay Herald Columnist
| August 31, 2018 3:00 AM

E-mail from Cheryl

Facts from the past gleaned from the Moses Lake Herald, Columbia Basin Herald and The Neppel Record by Cheryl (Driggs) Elkins:

From the CBH on Oct. 7, 1949:

Pamphlet on CVA available free

A pamphlet containing information on the proposed Columbia Valley Administration has been prepared and will be made available to persons requesting it, Sen. Warren G. Magnuson has reported from Washington, D.C.

All the material contained in the pamphlet has been placed before congress. It deals with the pending bills proposing establishment of a CVA, and provides a detailed analysis of one of the more prominent bills. It is available at no cost.

Titled as “Introduction to a Columbia Valley Administration,” the pamphlet is available on request to Senator Magnuson, Senate Office Building, Washington D.C.

Dennis note: Don’t remember hearing about or seeing anything else about a CVA. Was this organization ever put in place?

Two former chiefs on college grids

Two football players who did their high school playing at Moses Lake are candidates for college squads this fall.

Walter (Whitey) Willging, who made the Eastern Washington College squad as a freshman last year, is again on it. A fullback in high school, he has been converted to center at EWCE.

Lendell Salmon, who finished at Moses Lake last spring, is a candidate for the freshman team at Washington State College.

Overseas mail deadline

Overseas Christmas Packages must be mailed between Oct. 15 and Nov. 15, Postmaster Loren Harris said this week. The Nov. 15 closing date is necessary to assure delivery before the holidays, he said.

Who’s doing what on the Peninsula

By Mrs. Herman Corley

-Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wilmot were hosts at dinner Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Enzler and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Darcy of Roslyn. The occasion celebrated the second wedding anniversary of the Enzlers.

-Mrs. Emil Crawford entered the Columbia Basin Hospital Saturday for medical treatment.

-Saturday evening guests at the Frank Moulton home were Mr. and Mrs. Ottie Thornton of Soap Lake.

-Martin Johnson was in Spokane Thursday and Friday visiting his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jonson and Eldon.

-Sunday through Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Brandvold were Mrs. Brandvold’s brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. George De Zort and two children of Cut Bank, Mont.

-Mrs. Ed Kramer left Tuesday for White Fish, Mont., for a two-week stay with a new grandson.

-Mrs. Fred Affeld was the recipient of a surprise hanky shower Saturday afternoon attended by Mrs. Al Raymond, Mrs. Henry Becker and Mrs. Jack Smelzer. Others sent handkerchiefs, but could not attend. Mr. and Mrs. Affeld left Tuesday for Huntington Beach Calif., to spend the winter.