Tuesday, January 07, 2025

What is best for the citizens of Moses Lake

| October 19, 2017 1:00 AM

Do you understand the issues facing Moses Lake? We have an election day coming soon.

We have city council positions to fill. We have a proposition to increase our sales tax. We have school board positions to fill.

Did you go to the meeting last Tuesday night to see what the city council was doing? Several years ago I attended my very first one, when Dick Deane was mayor. They had been through some troubled issues involving city manager Joe Gavinski and some council members and the reduction of tax money involving the REC property. The meeting Tuesday night had a study involving the fire department and ambulance services presented.

The next night, Wednesday, at the City Auditorium, the candidates were given questions to respond to. Avila, who was on the city council two years ago, didn’t show up. He never said much when on the Council. But he always voted for fire department and ambulance issues.

He is running again, after losing the last time. Also, one of the new council members since last election had a husband who was employed by the ambulance service. She, Mike Norman and Jason Avila were all sponsored by the firemen.

The present Election Proposition 1 for sales tax increase would raise estimated an $1,350,000 per year. The ambulance service is paid every month on your city charges under ambulance utility of $11.50 for each household, estimated at 9,000, two years ago. 9,000 times $11.50 equals $103,500. That times 12 months equals $1,242,000 each year. If we had a private ambulance company we could use that same money to pay for our street maintenance each year.

Just a thought.

Bill Foxley

Moses Lake