Women's health subject of forum
MOSES LAKE — Things women should know about health and staying healthy will be the subject of a night out Thursday. “A Girls’ Guide: The Ultimate Source for Women’s Health” will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Pillar Rock Grill, 1373 Road .2 Northeast, Moses Lake.
Admission is free. The girls’ night out is sponsored by the Samaritan Healthcare Foundation.
The social hour is the opening event. There’s a trade show along with the social hour, featuring information on local health resources available to women. That’s followed at about 6:30 p.m. by a panel of local physicians and other health professionals. A question and answer session with the health professionals will follow.
Speakers will include physicians Hollie Matthews and Ryan Rasmussen, and nurse-practitioners Sherry Russell and Tammy Nolan. Kiersten Tate will be on the panel to talk about public and private resources available to women and their families.
This is the third year the Samaritan Foundation has sponsored a women’s health night out. The 2017 seminar will cover any and all women’s health issues of interest to the audience.
Previous seminars have covered everything from birth control to infertility, from diet and exercise to the optimal schedule for health checkups. Attendees have asked about health symptoms women shouldn’t ignore, breast and ovarian cancer, weight issues.
The goal is to encourage women to ask questions, even questions they would be hesitant to ask normally.
Advance registration is requested. People can register by calling 509-793-9645 or at samaritanhealthcare.eventsmart.com.
For the past three years the foundation has sponsored a series of community events, all designed to promote community education. Along with the women’s health forum, the foundation sponsors “Aging Isn’t for Sissies” during the summer. “Aging Isn’t for Sissies” focuses on issues facing seniors, from dementia care to exercise.
The goal of the seminar series is to get more information to hospital district patrons on healthy living, preventative care and treatment for disease, said Gretchen Youngren, Samaritan’s director of development and communications, in an earlier interview. The seminars are designed to answer questions, especially tough questions, she said.
Cheryl Schweizer can be reached via email at education@columbiabasinherald.com.