Thursday, March 06, 2025

Vickey Melcher a good choice for school board

| October 12, 2017 3:00 AM

Vickey Melcher for School Board is an easy choice. Vickey is energetic, smart and deeply committed to the children, parents and schools of Moses Lake. Vickey Melcher and I taught at Moses Lake High School together for several years. I was always impressed with her teaching skills and passion for all students to be educated appropriately.

Vickey wants the business of the district to be run efficiently. She is a team player and a good listener, and I have found that she always takes time to analyze the situation before coming to a final conclusion.

Her motto of “What’s best for the students and community” is not an empty campaign slogan, but rather Vickey’s sincere promise that, if elected, she will work diligently for the students and community in our school system.

Vickie Cadby

Moses Lake