Legals March 22, 2017
2017 MOSES LAKE AQUATIC TREATMENTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (With MLIRD Option to Extend for Three Years) The Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District (MLIRD) respectfully requests cost proposals to survey and treat portions of Moses Lake. This effort will inventory aquatic plants/weeds by species and make recommendations for a prioritized treatment plan for species detrimental to water quality. Contractor must have all required licenses for professional work of this nature in Washington State, plus experience & qualifications in Alum Treatments/Application to be considered. Aquatic Plant/Weed/Algae project would include the following: Survey work: Must be consistent with WA State DOE Aquatic Plant Sampling Protocols;and Contractor must demonstrate previous experience identifying aquatic plants/weeds in similar waters & climates. It is preferred that survey/application personnel be familiar with Moses Lake and Moses Lake water bathymetry. Past aquatic plant/weed/algae treatment reports are available upon request. Treatment work: MLIRD reserves the right to make the final determination of treatment locations & usage. For RFP purposes, quote as follows: Contractor should estimate 200 acres and include: 760 gallons 2,4-D; 400 gallons Diquat; 810 gallons Aquathol; Phycomycin 2,000 lbs. Selected Contractor will be responsible for generation of all required mailing lists, mailing notices, acquiring and posting signs, water sampling and testing, agency reporting and any all other required notifications. All chemicals used must be approved for aquatic use by WA State DOE Airboat STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for chemical application due to likely need to treat very shallow areas of lake Proof of $3,000,000 insurance showing MLIRD and MLIRD staff as additional insureds required w/RFP GPS equipment required to plot and track treatments All personnel and equipment supplied by Contractor Contractor encouraged to perform survey of proposed treatment area to develop Alum Discharge Management/Application Plan that meets WSDOE & MLIRD approval including Alum application dosage rate for target area(s). Submit w/RFP comprehensive Alum aquatic treatment plan w/cost for Moses Lake Pelican Horn, a 338 surface acre area, estimated 1,475 acre feet of water, north of I-90 in Moses Lake. Contractor must provide list of application jobs over past ten years with references for each job. Contractor must provide a copy of proof of worker's compensation insurance. Contractor must agree to the terms and conditions established by MLIRD for this contract (copy included in Project Packet available at district). Deliverables: 10 paper copies of:: Lake maps based on GPS data showing survey/inventory findings with description of survey workperformed Written prioritized treatment plan for undesirable species discovered insurvey(s) Detailed comprehensive Final Report showing dates of treatment, treated areas and application rate(s) in each treated area Evaluation Factors for Proposal: (Note: proposal with highest point score will be deemed successful bidder). Aquatic Survey & Applicator experience in Washington State: 50 pointspossible Neat, Clear, Unambiguous, Comprehensive proposal: 50 points possible Timelines defined to complete work and present deliverables: 50 points possible References & examples showing other aquatic project work in WA State: 50 points possible Cost: 50 points possible (firm with lowest price proposal gets additional 25 points) Alum Applications, Qualified + Experience: 50 points possible MLIRD reserves the right to reject any or all submittals for any reason or no reason, to waive any or all irregularities if such waiver is deemed to be in the best interests of MLIRD, and select the RFP that in the selection team's judgment, best serves the needs of MLIRD and the people we serve. MLIRD shall have the right to extend any contract awarded for such treatments for an additional three (3) years if discretionary funding is available and MLIRD determines it is in MLIRD's best interests to do so. All completed RFP documents should include proposed survey and treatment timeframes. Submitted RFP must be clearly marked, "RFP - 2017 MOSES LAKE AQUATIC TREATMENTS", and MUST BE RECEIVED IN MLIRD OFFICE no later than Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 3:00 PM PST at 932 E Wheeler Rd, Moses Lake, WA 98837. Contact MLIRD for Project Packet that includes project schedule info. (509) 765-8716, In the event of an inconsistency between the Project Packet and this Advertisement, the terms of this Advertisement govern. #03050/58052 Pub: March 17, 22 & 29, 2017