Irrigation partnerships bill passes State House recently
OLYMPIA — A measure that would give irrigation districts the authority to enter into private-public partnerships unanimously passed the state House of Representatives recently.
Thirteenth District Rep. Tom Dent, R-Moses Lake, prime-sponsor of House Bill 1578, said it is a common-sense measure.
“This bill would give irrigation districts the ability to form partnerships. It will be especially helpful if there is a lack of funding to address maintenance and operation of an irrigation district system,” Dent said.
“Partnerships could be formed so power generating stations could be put in the canals. The profit generated from these stations could then go into maintenance and operation of the irrigation district system.”
Anytime the efficiency and effectiveness of irrigation district systems is improved it is a positive step forward for those who rely on them for their livelihood, Dent said.
The Washington State Water Resources Association testified in favor of the bill in committee.
It has been referred to the Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee.