Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Keep teens away from alcohol this summer

| June 8, 2017 3:00 AM

We are concerned with the health and safety of Moses Lake teens.

During the most recent Healthy Youth Survey, our Moses Lake High School 10th-grade students reported a higher than state average of alcohol use, marijuana use and driving impaired/riding with an impaired driver.

During a recent survey of Moses Lake High School students, the majority reported being a passenger in a car while the driver was under the influence of alcohol.

Underage youth and alcohol don’t mix. Alcohol is a leading cause of death and injury among young people.

The teen brain is still developing and it is especially vulnerable to alcohol and marijuana use. Teen substance use has been linked to lower grades, less likely to graduate, less likely to enroll in college, lower satisfaction with life and greater chance of becoming addicted.

Moses Lake High School Youth Action Team cares about our youth. We encourage community members to help teens make healthy choices this summer break by keeping alcohol and marijuana out of the hands of youth.

Justine Starkweather

Youth Action Team President