Legals July 26, 2017
MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Name of proposal: Dynamic Food Ingredients "DFI" File Number: LUA2017-0024 Description of proposa:l The proposal is to remodel buildings at the former sugar beet plant into a manufacturing facility for Erythritol. The proposal includes using well water from Central Terminals and discharging process water to the existing Central Terminals ponds. Site work also includes grading and installing oundations for processing equipment such as cooling towers, chillers, HVAC, and storage tanks. Proponent: Dynamic Food Ingredients Corp. "DFI'', 1107 Hazeltine Blvd STE 470, Chaska, MN 55318 Location of proposal: 13583 Wheeler Rd NE, Located south of Wheeler Road and described as Parcel Central Terminals Major Plat IBSP, Prelim Central Terminals IBSP 151 Amendment. Parcel# 091121630 Lead agency: City of Moses Lake he lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on he environment provided the following mitigation measures listed below are complied with. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The decision was made after review of a completed checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the publi upon request. Mitigation Requirements: 1. During construction, any release of oil, hydraulic fluids, fuels, other petroleum products, paints, solvents, or other deleterious materials must be contained and removed in a manner that will prevent thei discharge into water or soil. The cleanup of spills shall take precedence over other work on the site. The proponent shall use best management practices for controlling and treating stormwater in compliance with the water quality and quantity standards of the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington and shall meet the state's non-endangerment standard for groundwater. Drywells and othe under ground injection control devices for managing stormwater are required to be regi stered with the Department of Ecology and comply with Ecology Publication 05- 10-067, "Guidancefor UIC Wells tha Manage Stormwater." Documentation of compliance with the Manual and Publication 05-10-067 and o how the non- endangerment standard will be met for street drainage shall be submitted to the Municipal Services Department before street construction plans are approved, in cluding sufficient studies and analysis to show that the vadose zone has ade quate treatment capacity for the minimal separation distance, as groundwater a nd other limiting layers is known to be high in this area. Documentation o compli ance with the Manual and Publication 05-10-067 and of how the non- endangerment standard will be met for on-site drainage shall be submitted to t he Building Official before building permits ar approved, including sufficient studies and analysis to show that the vadose zone has adequate treatmen ca pacity for the minimal separation distance. 3 Since ground disturbance leads to weeds and dust, the portions of thesite not proposed for developmen as part of the current project shall rmain undisturbed as much as possible. A stabilization plan shall be sub mitted to the Community Development Department before any site disturb ance is authorized. The plan shall address dust, erosion, and sediment control measures, both during construction and to permanently stabilize disturbed areas. At a mini mum, the plan shall identify the limits of disturbance, provide an area for sediment collection for on-site stormwater, address dust con trol during construction and non-working hours until project completion, identify and protect down-gradient areas from stormwater impacts, identify cut and fill slopes and possible check dams in ditched areas, identify and use secondary containment for on-site fueling tanks if present, and address construction en trance, stabilization after construction , inspection and maintenance of erosion control measures, and prevention of tracking sediment onto City streets and/or sidewalks. Temporary control measures are to be removed within 30 days of project completion. Disturbed areas that will not be built on, pav ed, removed, or landscaped for more than 45 days shall be stabilized through long-term methods such as establishing dryland grasses or native shrub/steppe. No building permit shall be issued until the plan has been approved by the Building fficial. The pro ponent shall ensure that nuisances, such as weeds and dust, do not develop. If the erosion control measures proposed by the applicant are found to be insuffi cient during the course of the project, the applicant shall immediately implement further erosion control measures. 14. The proponent shall retain sediment on site and employ measures to prevent tracking of material ontc City streets during construction, through measures such as an appropriately sized and designed construction entrance. The propo nent shall submit a proposal to the Building Official for review and approval be fore construction begins. 5. The proponent shall comply with all Air Quality requirements of the Department of Ecology. 16. The proponent shall comply with all fire protection and hazardous materials require ments of the Moses lake Fire Department and Building Division. 7. Before any permits are issued, the proponent shall apply for and pay a hazard ous materials permit from the Fire Department. 8. Archaeological sites are subject to the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended (16USC470), RCW 27.44 (Indian Graves and Records}, RCW 27.53 (Archaeological Sites and Resources), and WAC 25-48 (Archaeological Excava tion and Removal Permit). If anything of possible archaeological interest is un covered during excavation or other development, all work shall immediately stop and the proponenl shall notify the City, the Washington State Department of Ar chaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP), and the Colville Confederated Tribes. Before work can resume, all requirements of the DAHP must be met. 9. The proponent shall ensure that all contractors and sub-contractors are aware of the relevant conditions. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MONS) Comment Period: This MONS is issued under 197-11- 340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be !Submitted by August 4th to the Responsible Official. Responsible Official: Gilbert Alvarado, P.O. Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA, 98837; (509)764-3747 ____ Date: July 21, 2017 Signature: GA _ Appeals You may appeal this determination to the Moses Lake Planning Commission, P. 0. Box 1579 (321 S. Balsam}, Moses Lake, WA 98837, no later than August 4, 2017 by writing to the Responsible Official at the above address. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Gilbert Alvarado to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. #07051/99878 Pub:July 26, 2017
VENDOR ROSTER The CBHP is preparing a vendor roster for purchases costing less than Fifty Thousand Dollars for materials, supplies, equipment and services to be used in maintaining its hydroelectric power projects. To be on roster, submit business name and contact information. Columbia Basin Hydropower Attn: Accounting Dept. P.O. Box 219 Ephrata, WA 98823-0219 #07037/94989 Pub: July 12, 19 & 26, 2017