Thursday, March 06, 2025

Please relocate column

| July 20, 2017 4:00 AM

“Focus On The Family” is a syndicated advice column which “provides relevant Christian advice on marriage, parenting and other topics...” and regularly appears in the news section of the CBH.

The column should be placed with your (usually conservative) religious columns, on the comics page alongside “Dear Abby” or ditched altogether.

The column regarding adoption (July 17) was particularly offensive and bigoted towards LGBTQI+ parents. Printing it was a great disservice to thousands of children needing foster/adoptive homes. While the column purports to be written in line with Christian values, I must say that I am not that kind of Christian. Christianity teaches love and compassion, not this sort of tripe.

Jim Daly may believe he knows “our Creator’s design for the family,” but he doesn’t demonstrate knowledge of what a great need there is for loving parents to care for children that have been thrust into the child welfare system. He may be “committed to the ideal that the two-parent home — founded on a loving marriage relationship between one man and one woman — is the optimum environment for every child,” but as we read the news daily of children being abandoned, abused, starved, neglected, and killed by parents in his “ideal,” we know his statement is ridiculous.

Move this column to a more appropriate section of the paper: either (conservative) religion, the entertainment page or in the trash.

Vaughn Blethen

Moses Lake