Moses Lake schools need to keep up with growth
In the spring of 1970 – 46 years-eight months, 560 months, 17,030 days ago – our family moved to the small community of Moses Lake. At that time, the only businesses across the Alder Street Fill were Chico’s Pizza and Lake Bowl. Broadway, Wheeler Road and others were two lanes. New houses, apartments and businesses are springing up all over Moses Lake and the surrounding area. Businesses contemplating coming to any area consider the quality of the educational system, which in turn brings jobs and tax dollars.
Consider our new large health care facilities, dentists’ and orthodontists’ offices, which employ many doctors and supporting staff. We also have a growing public bus system. All of the aforementioned are serving our growing population.
Moses Lake is no longer the small community of the early 1970s. It is growing in every aspect every single day. Because of my grandchildren, I go to the schools on numerous occasions. At those times I see children and grandchildren of my four kids’ classmates of years gone by. These kids raised here are choosing to raise their families here too. Plus all the newcomers who are coming to live, work and raise their families.
There are well over 8,000 students in our Moses Lake system. 721 of them are in kindergarten, from my understanding. And Moses Lake is going to keep growing. I think we all realize that.
Another interesting statistic I just learned: our high school is the second-largest in population in Washington state.
So I hope you will all consider everything and vote yes on our school bond Feb. 14, as it ain’t gonna get no better five or 10 years down the road and we need it now.
Go to to learn more.
Joan M. Green
Moses Lake