School bond ballot – vote 'no'
Don’t throw your ballot away if you want the bond defeated. That is effectively a vote for passing the bond. Vote “no” if you can’t afford more taxes or recognize that the project is at least 27 million dollars too expensive. Percentage of votes cast determines who wins.
Insanity is doing the same thing, and expecting different results. Twice before the Moses Lake School Board has placed extremely expensive bond issues before the public, and they were rejected. Again, the board selected the most expensive option.
Yes, there are many students. However, learning is controlled by each student! Neither school buildings, nor teachers, jam knowledge into students’ heads. Thirty-five students was not uncommon in high school when I was young. I have learned that charter, home, and private schools may be better than public schools for some students.
Ask Superintendent Dr. Michelle Price to show you the book “Tax Exempt Foundations – Their Attack on Education and the American Founding Fathers” which was written following Congressional Investigations in the early 1950s. I know she should have a copy.
Students need much better education regarding the United states Constitution (original vs. current), basic English, civics, morality, mathematics, physics, chemistry, first aid, and introduction into basic living skills (cooking, disaster preparation, et cetera). Students should be ready for employment in entry-level jobs, technical schools, or college upon graduation. Graduation rates should be close to 100 percent. Students should have at least some idea as to what direction they want to pursue in life by graduation, and what they might enjoy as a profession.
We are pro-education, not pro-spending money on two gyms, football fields, duplicate high school administrations, and other wastes of taxpayers’ money.
Thomas Fancher
Moses Lake