Verne Graham born in 1941
E-mail from Cheryl
Facts from the past gleaned from the Moses Lake Herald, Columbia Basin Herald and The Neppel Record by Cheryl (Driggs) Elkins:
From the Moses Lake Herald on Aug. 22, 1941:
Warden News
-Word has been received of a birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagen (Verne Marie Graham), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Graham.
-Ernest Suko and daughter, Joan, of Olympia are visiting relatives here this week.
-Mrs. Bertha Roloff and daughter, Bonnie Jean, motored to Ritzville on Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cox and Mrs. Fuller were business visitors in Ritzville this week.
-Earnest Suko and family were guests at the Albert Widmer home of Friday.
-Helen Beck was a business visitor in Lind on Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gutchmidt and children, Vernon and Rosemary, motored to Ritzville on Wednesday.
-Miss Viola Herman returned on Tuesday from a week’s visit in Spokane.
Frenchman Hill News
-Bart Yogan, who is working at the Henry Phillips Ranch at Lind, was a Saturday night visitor at the W.G. Harris home.
-Mrs. Dorothy Yogan, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harris and son were Ellensburg callers Sunday and took in a show.