Time to enroll in the Affordable Care Act
Since the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is still U.S. law, please remind your readers who wish to apply for health insurance in 2018 through the Washington State Health Benefit Exchange that open enrollment begins Nov. 1 and ends Dec. 15, 2017.
They can begin planning now by visiting the Health Care Plan Finder at www.wahealthplanfinder.org. This would also include the estimated 10 percent in the county who do not have any health care coverage.
Those who are currently covered by the ACA may make changes to their coverage during this same open enrollment period and can go to the Health Care Plan Finder.
Despite conservative claims that the ACA is failing, the ACA is actually succeeding. More young people in the state have signed up, preexisting conditions are still covered, and families can include their children up to age 26 in their coverage. A quarter of those under age 34 are buying insurance on the exchange.
The ACA serves about 1.8 million people in this state. 41 percent of Grant County, 51 percent of Adams County, and 35 percent of Lincoln County are covered by the ACA.
Duane Pitts
Moses Lake