Thursday, March 06, 2025

Moses Lake Distinguished Young Women pageant Saturday

Staff Writer | April 11, 2017 4:00 AM


Cora Bruneel


Madi Burgin


Jana Osborne


Mariah Boston


Britni Copley


Morgan Tolley


Sydney Kriete

MOSES LAKE — Eight high school juniors will compete for the title of Moses Lake Distinguished Young Woman at 7 p.m. Saturday at Moses Lake High School, 803 East Sharon Ave.

The eight contestants for 2017 are Sydney Kriete, Morgan Tolley, Britni Copley, Mariah Boston, Jana Osborne, Cora Bruneel, Madi Burgin and Brooklyn Knox. All are MLHS students; the program is open to high school juniors only.

The winner advances to the Washington Distinguished Young Woman pageant in August. The winner and first and second runners-up represent Moses Lake at events around the state.

The winner and first and second runners-up receive scholarships for college or post-secondary training, said co-chair Bonnie Dorris. Dorris’ co-chair is Jeni Chandler. Scholarships also are awarded in the talent, self-expression, fitness, community outreach and interview categories. The contestants vote on the spirit award; it also comes with a scholarship.

“Commotion at the Ocean” is the theme for the 2017 pageant. Contestants perform a routine highlighting their individual talents, answer an unscripted question and participate in a group fitness routine. All contestants are interviewed by the judges before the program, and the judges also review each girl’s scholastic record.

Sydney Kriete is the daughter of Joe and Jennifer Kriete and said her career goal is to become a neurosurgeon. She will perform a monologue for her talent routine. Morgan Tolley will perform a vocal solo. She is the daughter of Ryan and Yvonne Tolley and plans to pursue a career as a stage actress.

Britni Copley is considering a career as a child psychologist, and will perform a vocal solo. She is the daughter of Kent and Stacey Copley. Mariah Boston will perform a violin solo. She plans to pursue a career as a physical therapist. She is the daughter of Robert and Jennie Boston.

Jana Osborne is the daughter of Kevin and Jennie Osborne and plans to pursue a career as a cybersecurity engineer. She will perform a solo dance. Cora Bruneel will perform a violin solo. She is the daughter of Frank and Gaylene Bruneel and plans to pursue a career as a physical therapist.

Madi Burgin is the daughter of Lisa Stober; her career goal is to become an elementary teacher, she said. She will perform a dance solo. Brooklyn Knox is the daughter of Joe and Deb Knox and will play a guitar solo. She plans a career as a criminal psychologist.

Tickets are $15 per person and are available from the contestants and at the door. This is the 35th year for the Moses Lake program.

Cheryl Schweizer can be reached via email at