Thursday, March 06, 2025

Writer says Estudillo's support homegrown

| September 23, 2016 6:00 AM

To the editor:

After a lot of misinformation about Judge David Estudillo and his challenger, Nick Wallace, I feel compelled to set the record straight.

According to Wallace, Judge Estudillo’s campaign funds come largely from western Washington. According to Public Disclosure Commission records, 41 percent of Judge Estudillo’s campaign funds come from donors residing in eastern Washington. Thirty-five percent comes from Judge Estudillo and his immediate family.

Another nine percent comes from organizations with eastern Washington members. Six percent comes from his fellow judges. That leaves only eight percent that comes from donors residing in western Washington.

Mr. Wallace’s campaign slogan is “Experience Matters.” I wholeheartedly agree. That is why I am supporting Judge Estudillo. Mr. Wallace’s “judicial experience” is not as a judge, but as a court commissioner.

A court commissioner has very limited authority and discretion. They cannot preside over jury trials, and their rulings are subject to revision by Superior Court judges like Judge Estudillo.

Mr. Wallace’s experience as a court commissioner is not extensive. According to Grant County records, over the last 10 years, Mr. Wallace has worked an average of one partial day per month.

Judge Estudillo has more than a year of experience as a full-time Superior Court judge. In that time, he has presided over numerous criminal trials. Mr. Wallace has tried just one jury trial as an attorney and never presided over one as a “part-time judge.” This is not the experience that matters.

Robert E. Schiffner

Attorney at Law

Moses Lake