Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| May 18, 2016 1:00 PM



The Moses Lake Irrigation and Recreation District (MLIRD) respectfully requests cost proposals to survey & treat portions of Moses Lake within the District. This effort would inventory aquatic plants by species and coverage and make recommendations for a prioritized treatment plan for species not conducive to recreation or water intakes and/or detrimental to water quality. Contractor must have all applicable licenses for professional work of this nature in Washington State.

The project would include the following:

Survey work:

o Must be consistent with WA State DOE Aquatic Plant Sampling Protocols; and

o Requires previous experience identifying aquatic plants in similar waters & climates.

It is preferred that survey/application personnel be familiar with Moses Lake and Moses Lake water bathymetry. Past aquatic plant/algae treatment reports are available and upon request.

Treatment work:

o Consistent with last years chemical usage for awarding RFP purposes. MLIRD reserves final determination of Contractor recommended locations. Contractor should plan on

estimated 200 acres which in 2015 included: 762 gallons 2,4-D; 405 gallons Diquat; 812 gallons Aquathol; Phycomycin 2,000 lbs.

o Selected Contractor will be responsible for generation of all mailing lists, mailed notices, posted signs & water testing, agency reporting & any required notifications.

o All chemicals used must be approved for aquatic use by WA State DOE

o Airboat STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for chemical application

o Proof of $3,000,000 insurance required w/RFP

o GPS equipment required to plot and track treatments

o All personnel & equipment supplied by Contractor


20 paper copies of a final report and a digital version in formats to be determined. Report to include:

o Lake maps based on GPS data showing inventory findings w/work performed

o Recommended prioritized treatment plan for undesirable species discovered in survey

o Native ArcGIS shape files of treatments required

o Detailed Final Report provided by contractor

Evaluation Factors for Proposal:

o Aquatic Survey & Applicator experience in Washington State: 25 points possible

o Neat, Comprehensive proposal: 25 points possible

o Timelines defined to complete work and present deliverables: 25 points possible

o References & Examples showing other Aquatic Survey work in WA State listed: 25 points possible

o Cost: 25 points possible (firm with lowest price proposal gets 25 points. Others get points proportionality.

MLIRD reserves the right to reject any or all submittals for any reason or no reason, to waive insubstantial or immaterial informalities, and select the RFP that in the selection team's judgment, best serves the needs of MLIRD and the people we serve.

All completed RFP documents should include proposed survey and treatment timeframes and must be received by MLIRD no later than Thursday June 9nd, 2016 at 3:00 PM PST at 932 E Wheeler Rd, Moses Lake, WA 98837.


Pub.: May 18, 25 & June 1, 2016