Thursday, March 06, 2025

Looking Glass Studio adds a personal touch

by Rodney HarwoodStaff Writer
| May 16, 2016 6:00 AM

MOSES LAKE — Dena and Tara Logg are the kind of people that have that unique ability of turning ideas into something special.

Looking Glass Studio on East Third Avenue in Moses Lake goes the extra mile to add a personal touch to everything it touches. They deal in custom photography. They handknit caps and scarfs. They make their own bath soap and lotions. If you can dream it, they can turn it into a gift that matters.

“I get people that come in and say, ‘I’m looking for somebody to do this or that’ and we sit down and work with them to make it happen,” Dena said. “The other thing that Tara does is conceptual art shoots for the photography tube. For example, she turns a client into a mermaid. We do hair and makeup, do shots of the water. So we have a lot of things available.”

They did a specialty plaque that was taken to Sweden and presented to a couple that had lost a child. It was an angel with child’s face, kneeling as he looked upward to the stars.

“They asked for us to do a plaque in remembrance of her sister’s child that they lost. The passage is from the tattoo that the father had, and they had us do the plaque that was a gift to them,” Dena explained. “They flew to Sweden to give it to her aunt. She said the reason it was important it have the stars in it is because children that are fragile like that and don’t make it become Star Children, according to Swedish culture. It’s kind of cool the things we learn from different people and the things they share with us.”

The shop in the Smith-Martin Building downtown boasts an array of crafts, photography and apparel. They print digital images on quality paper, make T-shirts and coffee mugs and also make a variety of bath products.

“We had a man come in that was looking to have some leather pieces repaired and altered. He brought in a dog’s leather jacket, belts, even a gun holster,” Tara said. “I did the alterations he wanted, nine different items.”

They are in fact self-proclaimed Jills of all Trades when it comes to thinking outside the box.

“We did 100 tubes of lip balm for a giveaway for a local clinic,” Dena said with a smile. “We put their business logo on it, along with our information of what was in it. We make our bath products ourselves. We do soaps. We do bath salts that have essential oils. We do bath balms for conditioning.”

On the wall is a display of various hand-made knit caps of various designs. If a customer has an idea for a design, Looking Glass Studio has a way to make it happen. It’s called hard work with a personal touch.

“I’ve done a custom designed hat for a man that worked for the Google Corp. on the coast,” Dena said. “I had to design the pattern, then knit it up and have it look like the Google logo. I came up with a way to pattern the hat. I had to graph it out on paper, then transfer that into stitches. He was thrilled. It was custom made, one-of-a-kind.”

The one thing Dena and Tara Logg can guarantee about Looking Glass stuff is that the heart and soul that goes into it will shine through in the work they do.