Former Mattawa reserve officer arrested by DEA
ROYAL CITY — The Mattawa City Council learned at its May 5 meeting that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has arrested a man who was a reserve officer for the Mattawa City Police Department.
But no one locally seems to know the reason.
According to Grant County Emergency Services Public Information Officer Kyle Foreman, Darryl Hudson had worked for Sheriff Tom Jones. Foreman added that Hudson was working for the Mattawa Police Department and Grant County Fire District No. 8 in Mattawa in the past year.
Foreman said the sheriff’s office didn’t know what led to the arrest.
He said the DEA is not very forthcoming with such information.
In other news involving the MPD, the community’s first full time policewoman, Maybeline Pantaleon, has passed her firearms testing at the police academy and should graduate this week.
Officer Cody Clark, who graduated recently from the Academy, was given the oath of office by Mayor Scott Hyndman.
The Council was informed that children from Morris Schott Elementary are ready to install a kiosk in the park. They will coordinate this effort with Public Works Director Gary Crowder.
Crowder reported that the sprinklers in Hund Memorial Park have had their schedules reset. The purpose is to allow use in the evenings for pickup soccer games.
A lease between the City and the Wahluke Enrichment Organization for exclusive use of the arena the City owns near the wastewater treatment plant will be discussed at the Council meeting of May 19.
Councilwoman Maggie Celaya suggested having the school children paint the cook shed in Hund Memorial. The Mattawa PTA will donate money to remodel it.
The Council approved a consent agenda that includes the Council meeting minutes from April 21, a payroll of $72,830.44 and claims of $21,864.81.