Trust God to handle your chaos
God is an expert at dealing with chaos and brokenness. A dad was home one day when he heard a terrible crash in the kitchen. It was the shattering of glass that seemed to go on and on and on. He went running into the kitchen only to see his daughter standing barefoot in a sea of broken glass. She stood there bleeding and saying, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Dad.” They had several shelves of glasses and cups that, like a domino effect, came down onto each other and fell off the wall. Glasses fell onto the granite counter top and shattered as they fell to the floor. And there stood his daughter, bleeding and barefoot saying, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
That dad saw the chaos, the mess she had made, and he pointed his finger at her and said, “I can’t believe you did that! You can just stand there and figure out how to get yourself out of this mess you have made! It serves you right, you should have been more careful.” And he left the room. And you say, really? What kind of a father would do that?
Some people think that’s what God is like. Some of you feel that God, every once in a while, stares at you and the mess you have made, your own little sea of glass, and all the damage you have done, and he says, “Well, look at what you have done, now you just figure it out, see ya, I wouldn’t want to be ya. Call me when you get your mess all cleaned up, because you’ve got to clean up what you’ve messed up.” If God was a father like that, He would be a lousy father- which he is not. Perhaps there is something about God that you don’t know.
When God called Abraham to follow him, around 1876 B.C., he made some promises that were hard for Abraham to believe. I mean, “no way this could ever happen” promises. But, Abraham believed God, and God “credited it to him as righteousness,” according to Genesis 15:6. In other words, trusting God results in a right standing with God. God declares us righteous if we trust in him. That was Jesus’ message too – “God loved the world (that would be you) so much, that he sent his Son (that would be Jesus), and whoever believes in him (puts their trust in him), would not perish, but would have everlasting life (and that life begins now). Who are you trusting? God can handle your chaos, trust him.
This article was written on behalf of the Moses Lake Christian Ministerial Association.