Mattawa may restrict all soccer at Hund Park
MATTAWA — If soccer players don’t change their ways when playing pick-up games at Hund Memorial Park, the Mattawa City Council may take action to restrict the game.
That extreme measure was discussed among others by the Council at its April 21 meeting. In a letter to the Council, Mattawa Police Sergeant Tony Valdivia suggested placing ecology blocks strategically in the park.
Valdivia also suggested more and larger trees, concrete slabs for barbecue grills and picnic tables. His last resort suggestion was to ban soccer completely from the park.
Soccer players are blamed for damage to sprinkler heads, young trees and the fencing around the park water pump house.
A few soccer players, including German Godinez, attended the council meeting. They said they are willing to help with stopping the vandalism in the park by talking to and educating the other soccer players.
In a compromise, the Public Works Department will change the timing of the sprinklers to go from 9 p.m. to 10 a.m. It was explained that the fence around the well house that was damaged at the park has a “no trespassing” sign.
The Council learned that the Mattawa Police Department has received a list of three candidates from the Civil Service Commission. There could be a vacancy in the MPD in the near future. Moses Lake’s Cody Clark, a recent reserve academy graduate, tops the list.
The Council learned that the wastewater treatment plant operator position is open again. It will be advertised soon.
The Council was notified of liquor license renewals for Estudillo’s, La Parrilla, Fabela’s and Mattawa Market and a special occasion permit for Wahluke Enrichment Organization. There were no objections.
The WEO will be having food and a beer garden on June 3 in Hund Memorial Park.
The Council approved a new budget fund called Transportation Improvement Fund. It is for depositing funds from a state tax sharing program named Multimodal Transportation Revenue. It will total about $300 a month, City Clerk Robin Newcomb said.
“They’re going to save it and let it grow,” she said.
The Council approved a park event permit for a Children’s Day on April 30 in Hund Memorial Park. Newcomb said a church group was granted the permit with the condition the insurance information is received at city hall before then. In addition, the event must finish by 9 p.m.
The Council authorized Mayor Scott Hindman to sign an exclusive lease with the WEO for use of the city-owned outdoor arena near the wastewater treatment plant. This annual lease is for $50 a year with the condition that the WEO get the required insurance coverage and, in addition, equestrian insurance coverage for the horses.
There is only stock water available at the arena, no potable water. The WEO agreed to keep the dust down with a water truck.
The Council approved a consent agenda that includes the Council meeting minutes of April 7, a payroll in the amount of $14,500 and claims in the amount of $45,902.02.