Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Connell, WA Grower To lead Potatoes USA International Marketing Committee

| May 5, 2016 9:59 AM


Doug Poe - Connell, WA, Executive Committee

   DENVER (April 11, 2016)—Doug Poe of Connell, WA, was elected to the Potatoes USA Executive Committee on March 17, 2016, at the organization’s 44th Annual Meeting in Colorado Springs, CO. He will be serving his fifth year on the Board as Co-Chairman of the International Marketing Committee. This will be his first year on its Executive  Committee.  

   During  2014-2016,  he  served  as  a  member of the Board’s Administrative Committee and on the International Marketing  Committee.

   Poe has been growing potatoes for the past nine years. The name of his company is Poe Ag, LLC, and he also works as a farm manager at RHD, Inc.

   Poe grows Umatilla Russets, Russet Burbank, Ranger Russets and Clearwater Russets for frozen processing, and corn is grown in rotation. He holds a BS degree in agricultural economics at Washington State University, Pullman, WA, and was part of the 2009 Potato Industry Leadership Institute  class.

    Poe is married to Jill Poe, and they have two sons—Colin (age 16) and Mason (age 14). The Poes enjoy boating and participating in youth sporting events.