Youth turkey season next weekend
The youth turkey hunting season will begin next weekend, April 2 and 3. This season is open statewide. Each youth hunter must be accompanied by an adult who is not hunting.
Standard hunting methods and all other turkey hunting regulations apply to the youth season. The bag limit is two turkeys with a visible beard.
This is a great opportunity for our young hunters. If you have a youth hunter in your life, take advantage of this hunt.
No bass, walleye and channel cat limits on Columbia
This is an angler’s dream come true. No limits on bass, walleye and channel cats. Read on.
Since March 3, anglers have been able to fish for bass, walleye and channel catfish without daily catch or size limits from the mouth of the Columbia River 545 miles upstream to Chief Joseph Dam.
The main goal of deregulating the fisheries for bass, walleye and channel catfish is to increase the harvest of those non-native species. All three species are abundant and prey on juvenile salmon and steelhead that are listed for protection under the federal Endangered Species Act.