Dave Graybill: The Fishin' Magician
Friday, March 25
Kokanee fishing on Lake is keeping anglers busy right now, and it will get even better as we move further into spring. I spent a morning with Shane Magnuson and his clients and found fish just above the Yacht Club. The early bite was very good, with as many as three fish on at once, and clearing all six rods a few times. The fish were small, though, and when we did find some bigger fish, averaging 14 inches, cut the trip short. The next day my wife Eileen wanted to go so we ran back up to Chelan for the first shake down trip of the spring in the Kingfisher. I saw a mark at 150 feet, so I dropped the Kokabow blade and pink spinner to 135 feet. I turned my back to pick up a second rod and when I looked at the rod again it was bouncing. I landed the 14-incher and thought this was going to be easy. Not so. I got one more a couple of passes later but that was it. I tried the Yacht Club without success. If you want to get into a good bite better be on the water early is my advice.