Thursday, March 06, 2025

There's a lot of truth in pastors' columns

| March 3, 2016 12:45 PM

I truly enjoy reading the insights of our pastors in each Friday’s Columbia Basin Herald. Each one has information that is helpful in our relationship with our Lord. Recent articles on forgiveness, having a servant’s heart, grace and etcetera. All of these have a distinct place in each of our lives to establish righteousness.

Over the years there have been many half truths instituted and accepted as truth that have lead us away from true righteousness. The faith movement came in and taught that health and wealth came through believing and if you did not receive was because we did not believe strong enough. Along with it came the belief that we could claim all of the promises of God simply by believing we have received them. The New Age movement came through teaching there are many ways to God and that all ways lead to Heaven. Parts of these movements have stuck and have lead us away from the true meaning of faith. Salvation and receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit, are the two most essential parts of establishing righteousness. These are both promises from God based upon meeting certain conditions as set forth by God. The condition of salvation is repentance, a turning from our sins and from unbelief to faith. The condition for receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit is to die to self and live to God’s will. Occasionally these two come together at the same time but more often than not they are separate. Receiving the indwelling spirit is essential for communication with God. The Holy Spirit knows God’s mind and speaks his will to our spirit that we might have assurance of his will for us as individuals. Let each of us therefore seek the Holy Spirit that we may fulfill his plan for our community as well as our once great nation.

Alvin R. Burgess

Moses Lake