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Americans Favor Investment in Cancer Cure

| June 28, 2016 4:09 AM

(NewsUSA) - Sponsored News - As divisive as American politics can be, most Americans want their next president to pursue cancer cures, based on the results of a survey conducted by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).

According to the survey, Finding Cancer Cures, 82 percent of Americans polled want the next president of the United States to reinvest in Vice President Biden's Moonshot to End Cancer initiative. Support for the Moonshot program was favored by a majority of those who declared themselves Democrats (90 percent), Republicans (73 percent) and independents (77 percent).

In addition, 42 percent of the survey respondents said the proposed $1 billion in funding for the moonshot cancer project isn't enough. Those aged 55 years and older were more inclined than younger respondents to think more money is needed (54 percent versus 38 percent), as were those who self-identified as Republicans (45 percent) and independents (46 percent), compared with Democrats (40 percent).

The respondents who supported additional funding were closely divided on the amount needed: 32 percent stated that the investment should be $2-$5 billion, 34 percent said $6-$10 billion and 34 percent said they would allocate an additional $10 billion for the moonshot project.

The new survey from LLS, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting blood cancers, is the most comprehensive analysis to date of Americans' attitudes toward efforts to eliminate cancer and the progress that has been made.

"The moonshot program is forging scientific collaboration to accelerate the advancements in research that will get us to a world without cancer," said Dr. Louis J. DeGennaro, president and CEO of LLS. "It is clear from this survey that Americans recognize the need to increase the investment toward a goal that LLS has been committed to for more than 67 years."

LLS funds research to advance therapies, works to ensure access to treatments and serves as the leading source of blood cancer information and support. Please visit for more information.

A majority of respondents (60 percent) said they want research dollars invested in cures, while 29 percent said researchers should focus on developing better ways to detect cancer early.

Another 12 percent said that research priorities should focus on developing better drugs.

A majority of respondents said they were optimistic that a cancer cure will be found within the next 20 years, and nearly half predicted a cancer cure within 10 years. "Finding a cure for cancer is indeed a complex challenge," said Dr. DeGennaro. However, "Optimism is warranted and we are on the precipice of great progress," he said.