City Of Kahlotus
January 21, 2016 12:00 PM
Ordinance #15-12-02
Ordinance #15-12-02
On December 31st at 2:00 PM, the City of Kahlotus City Council, after several budget workshops and public hearings to attain public input and sufficient and legal postings, adopted the 2016 Annual Fiscal Budget. Ordinance #15-12-02 All Ordinances and public information is available and can be viewed at Kahlotus City Hall, 140 N. Martin Street. All meetings are public. Regular Business Hours are posted. The City of Kahlotus is an ADA facility and is an EOE. For more information and how to attend a meeting, please contact 282-3372.
(Published January 21, 2016, in the Franklin County Graphic.)