Sunday, December 15, 2024

America is better off under Democrats

| January 7, 2016 12:45 PM

Regarding Mark Roylance’s letter to the editor, “Democrats, not Republicans, behind America’s problems,” it proves once again the GOP lives in a “bubble” and facts have no effect on their distorted views.

It is true, the rich have become richer under Obama, but it is because of GOP policies put in place under Bush, and their refusal to tax the rich and close tax loopholes.

He claims, “As a result of Obama’s poor policies we have experienced a weak recovery.” 2014 was the best year for employment growth in 15 years. Official records show the U.S. had 6,371,000 more people employed in Dec. 2014, than when Obama took office in 2009. During his first six years, the U.S. added nearly five times more jobs than the just under 1.3 million jobs added during Bush’s entire eight-year presidency. In fact, during the last 12 months of Bush, nearly 4.4 million jobs were lost. The unemployment rate is now 5 percent, which is 2.8 percentage points lower than when Obama took office and is, in fact, better than the historical average (since 1948) of 5.8 percent.

The day Obama took office, the stock market had slumped to 7,949 points. Under Bush, the DOW reflected a 1 percent increase his first term, and a 5.5 percent decline in his second as he, and GOP policies, tanked our economy. The robust DOW closed today at over 17,158 points, an increase of over 9,200 points.

Mr. Roylance states “Part of the problem is due to Obama’s high corporate tax, he raised our tax...”, which isn’t true either. When Obama took office, the corporate tax rate was 39.3 percent and today sits at a slightly lower 39 percent. Businesses have created 200,000 or more jobs in 15 of the last 17 months, as of Aug. 2015 reports. More private sector jobs have been created over the past two years than any time since 1997-1999. Consequently, the private sector added 13 million jobs over 65 straight months of growth.

Mark says “No,” the GOP aren’t writing laws to limit people’s right to vote; again not true. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, the 2010 election marked a major shift with state lawmakers across the country introducing over 180 restrictive voting bills in 41 states. In 15 states, the restrictions will be effective beginning with the 2016 presidential election, and include Alabama, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin, (mostly Republican controlled) and aimed squarely at Blacks and Latinos, who predominately vote Democrat. His claim of voter fraud has been proven to be a myth.

Congressional Republicans would rather waste time on pointless Benghazi and Hillary Clinton e-mail investigations, including countless attempts to repeal Obamacare, than take actions for our nation’s workers, or common sense gun legislation, instead putting guns before the lives of our citizens.

Failed trickle-down policies put forth by GOP presidential candidates can’t touch what Obama has accomplished. President Obama has proven himself, despite no help from the GOP controlled Congress, so, if voters want jobs and an improved economy, we need a Democratic president in the White House.

Jim Bessett

Soap Lake