Sunday, December 15, 2024

Trump's words show him unfit for the presidency

| August 11, 2016 1:45 PM

About time that somebody out there was looking out for the safety of Americans. Thank you to those 50 GOP national security experts for opposing Trump as a threat to mankind. Trump is so busy putting Hillary Clinton down and blaming President Obama and other candidates. All he can say and point out is “Email!” “Benghazi!” Give it a break.

Look at Trump’s false statements, his hired immigrants for constructing his resorts. Trump products are made in other countries. Why? Cheap labor, no benefits.

Why won’t Trump release his taxes? What does he have to hide?

Trump states the election is rigged. He talks a lot of garbage, a lot of bull, attacks government officials, and criticizes President Obama and Hillary Clinton only to keep the focus off Trump’s wrongdoing like Trump University taking the life savings from Americans who wanted to better themselves.

Linda Toscano
