Public Notice
Project: Bridge Repair
July 20, 2016
Grant County Public Works
124 Enterprise St NE
Ephrata WA 98823
Jeff Tincher, Public Works Director, PE 509-754- 6082 or after hours Andy Booth, Bridge Supervisor 509-760- 4668
Project: Bridge Repair
Grant County will be starting Bridge Repairs on Road H-NW on August 15, 2016. The scheduled completion date is August 22, 2016.
During construction County Road H-NW will be closed to all traffic between Highway 28 and County road 11.5-NW. For the duration of the construction local traffic will need to use County Roads J-NW and State Route 28 as a detour route.
Work hours during construction are Monday thru Thursday, 6:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Andy Booth
Bridge Supervisor
Grant County Public Works
Pub: August, 3, 10, 2016