Sunday, December 15, 2024


| September 22, 2015 1:00 PM



6-Unit Seasonal Farmworker Housing

Othello, Washington

The Othello Housing Authority, acting as General Contractor, will receive subcontractor bids via fax to (509) 488-9769, via email to, or by mail to 335 North

Third Street, Othello, WA 99344, until 3:00 PM local time Wednesday, September 30, 2015, for the Lugar Seguro 2 Housing project to be located at 613 & 615 S. Seguro Lane in Othello, Washington. The project consists of construction of two triplex buildings and all associated on-site and off-site work identified in the Construction Documents. Include the “Subcontractor Bid Form” provided in the project specification manual with all bids.

This project requires the payment of appropriately classified Residential Prevailing wages (see wages and classifications bound in this project specifications manual). This must be acknowledged on the bid form.

Subcontractor bids are being solicited for all work identified in the Contract Documents, except as follows:

Section 10250 - Fire Fighting Devices

Section 10500 - Miscellaneous Specialties

Section 11900 - Residential Equipment

Section 12500 - Window Treatment

Chain Link and Wood Fencing identified on the Drawings

No bids will be accepted for the above-listed work. A non-mandatory site visit will be held at the project site on Wednesday, September 23rd at 10:00AM for any bidders interested in seeing site. Any questions must be received in writing by the end of business on Friday, September 25th. Construction Documents are available for review at the following locations:

Yakima Plan Center Tri-City Construction Council

1212 N. 16th Ave #2 20 E. Kennewick Ave.

Yakima, WA 98908 Kennewick, WA 99201

509-457-4271 509- 582-7424

Wenatchee Plan Center Spokane Regional Plan Center

34 N. Chelan Ave. 209 N. Havana St.

Wenatchee, WA 98801 Spokane, WA 99202

509-662-6858 509-328-9600

Inland Northwest AGC

4935 E. Trent Ave.

Spokane, WA 99212


Othello Housing Authority ZBA Architecture, PS

335 North Third Street 421 W. Riverside, Suite 860

Othello, WA 99344 Spokane, WA 99201

509-488-3527 509-456-8236

This project will comply with the State of Washington Apprenticeship Participation requirements. Subcontractors participating in an apprenticeship recognized by the state are encouraged to provide bids to the Othello Housing Authority. Subcontractors certified as M&WBE are encouraged to submit proposals for this project and all Subcontractors will be encouraged to do business with these enterprises as applicable to their scope of work.

Any inquiries regarding this project should be directed to Angie Gomez at the Othello Housing Authority, 509-488-3527, or Bill Froemke at ZBA Architecture, P.S., 509-456-8236.


Pub.: September 15 & 22, 2015