Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Miracles in healing still happen

by Pastor Alice WarnessUnited Methodist Church
| October 15, 2015 6:00 AM

This week I have been thinking a lot about healing. This particular train of thought was brought on by three days of a 103-degree temperature followed by a hacking cough, a headache and ending with a trip to the doctor to find out I had an acute sinus infection.

There were moments, during this illness, when I thought I would have to get better just to die. This particular bug cost me three “sick leave” days and left me a few pounds lighter and rather weak.

The Bible tells us that Jesus healed the sick with just a touch. In fact, people would bring him their sick and go to extremes to get his attention.

So why don’t we hear about healings in the 21st century?

I believe that Jesus still heals the sick today but most of the time we forget to ask Him. We get so deep into our sickness and feel so sorry for ourselves that asking God for help never enters our minds.

The Bible says we should ask the elders of our churches to anoint us with oil and pray for healing. Prayer helps with everything.

It isn’t enough to just ask for healing, the person asking has to believe and accept it. It is rather a test of faith to open yourself up to God. It is the act of believing.

Another reason we don’t hear about miraculous healings today is that we don’t recognize “healings” when we see them.

God has given all of us the ability to use our brains and discover medicines and technologies that help to better the human condition. Because our medicine is so advanced, we don’t recognize that all these things were made possible by a great and kind Creator.

After this week, I personally believe antibiotics are miracle drugs. I know I would have died without them.

Christians should never turn away from modern medicines or medical technologies. These are gifts from our Heavenly Father just like everything else we experience in this life.

I have a brother who had stage four colon cancer. For nine months, he was injected with chemo drugs every day. That was 20 years ago and he is still with us. To our family, that was a miraculous healing

Miracles happen every day. Doctors zap tumors and dissolve them. They reconstruct body parts and design new limbs for those who are suffering.

Doctors open up human bodies to fix hearts, and high risk babies are delivered safely. These things have become common place but they still need to be recognized as “healings.” I praise God for these modern day miracles.

This last week has reinforced my belief in healing. As Christians we should never become complacent. Don’t take our God’s miracles for granted or forget they come from Him.

Most of all, don’t be afraid to share your miracles with others. Your personal story might give another person the strength and courage to seek out the healing he or she needs.