Sunday, December 15, 2024


| October 1, 2015 1:00 PM

Availability of Environmental Documents

Availability of Environmental Documents

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Franklin County Planning and Building Department, determined to be the Lead Agency pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) of 1971, as amended, and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11, has issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) concerning the following proposed project:

Case file: SEPA 2015-03

Applicant: Ken and Jean Campbell, 150 McDonald

Drive, Pasco, WA 99301

Project/Location: The project involves the removal of an

existing residential dock and the construction of a new dock to be constructed in the same location and will be designed to comply with the requirements of the McNary Shoreline Management Plan. The new dock is proposed to extend approximately 10’ feet further from the shore than the existing dock and is to include grating and floatation to allow additional light penetration through the dock Anchoring of the new dock will be completed through new piles or a series of submerged concrete anchors.

The property is located north of the City of Pasco, west of Columbia River Road, adjacent to the Columbia River near the intersection of McDonald Drive and Fanning Road. The legal description for the property is Lot 3, Sunset Terrace Heights and Franklin County Parcel Number 126240031. The site address is 150 McDonald Drive, Pasco, WA 99301.

Copies of the environmental document, mitigation measures, site plans, and other materials pertinent to the proposed project are available for review in the Franklin County Planning and Building Department at 1016 North 4th Avenue, Pasco, WA 99301. Those wishing to have copies of said documents mailed to them will be charged a fee covering the costs of reproduction and mailing.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act and WAC 197-11-350, the DNS, site plans, the Environmental Checklist, and other materials pertinent to the proposed project has been sent to agencies with jurisdiction, the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Benton-Franklin Council of Governments, and others having an interest in the proposal.

The DNS was issued on September 18, 2015 by the Franklin County Planning and Building Department. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., October 8, 2015 (14 days from publication) at which time the MDNS will become final.

Greg Wendt

SEPA Responsible Official/

Asst. Director of Planning and Building

(Published September 24, 2015, in the Franklin County Graphic.)