Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| May 14, 2015 1:00 PM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been proposed to the Franklin County Planning Commission an application by Glotel, Inc. (on behalf of Verizon Wireless), 15375 SE 30th Place, Suite 160, Bellevue, WA 98007 for a Conditional Use Permit, CUP 2015-02.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been proposed to the Franklin County Planning Commission an application by Glotel, Inc. (on behalf of Verizon Wireless), 15375 SE 30th Place, Suite 160, Bellevue, WA 98007 for a Conditional Use Permit, CUP 2015-02.

The application is a Conditional Use Permit to construct a wireless communication facility, including a 150’ high lattice tower and associated equipment cabinets or outbuildings, to supply wireless coverage (voice and data services) to the surrounding area. The proposal includes a tower that can support up to 3 wireless providers. The 2,500 square ft leased area is proposed to be fenced. The property is zoned Agricultural Production 20 (AP-20).

The subject parcel is described as follows:

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Farm Unit 218, Irrigation Block 18 (Parcel Number 109-740-050).

NON-LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The property is located west of the City of Connell, east of SR 17, along the north side of SR 260 near site address 6230 W SR 260 (Parcel Number 109-740-050).


NOTICE IS GIVEN that said application will be considered by the Franklin County Planning Commission. Said consideration will be a public hearing on June 2, 2015 at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Franklin County Courthouse, Commissioners Meeting Room, 1016 North 4th Avenue, Pasco, WA 99301 and all concerned may appear and present any support for or objections to the application. Written comments are accepted prior to the public hearing and those comments shall be submitted to the Franklin County Planning Department, 1016 North 4th, Pasco, Washington 99301.

Information concerning the proposal can be obtained at the Franklin County Planning Department, 1016 North 4th, Pasco, Washington 99301, or by calling 545-3521.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said proposal has been reviewed under the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act, as amended, along with the Environmental Checklist and other information. A determination has been made as to the environmental impacts of the proposal and a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) has been issued. Accordingly, an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. This determination was made on May 1, 2015 and comments regarding the determination and the environmental impacts of the proposal can be made to the Planning Department and Planning Commission by May 28, 2015.


Jerrod MacPherson, Planning and Building Director

(Published May 14, 2015, in the Franklin County Graphic.)