Fresh news from MarDon Resort
Early spring weather has been amazing in Central Washington. With 70-degree temperatures coming to the Potholes Recreation Area we can only predict another memorable March fishing weekend. Bass fishers are reporting late day surface water temperatures in the mid-50-degree range and largemouth are providing good action later in the day when the sun has warmed in the shallows. For better largemouth action in the sand dunes, fish late in the day with a southern exposure to the sand dunes. Also, when sight fishing focus on black sand not white sand lake bottom for best early season action. Smallmouth are already providing action using crawdad diving plugs on points in the Lind Coulee Area, or try flipping jigs and drop shotting plastics. And as always try the pre-spawn bite around Goose Island and along O'Sullivan Dam for smallmouth and an occasional largemouth bass.
The rainbow trout has been fair along Medicare Beach and the mouth of Frenchman's Wasteway. Power-bait continues to be the best bait for trout bank fishers. Many trout anglers use Power-bait shaped like marsh-mellows with a night crawler on a No. 6 bait hook. On Potholes Reservoir don't shy away from large hooks when trout fishing because we see some amazing rainbow trout occasionally over 24 inches.
Walleye anglers continue to locate pre-spawn feeding males under 20 inches. Many walleye are now being caught on spinners and crawlers but when you locate a school of feeding walleye, anglers use Blade Baits for the best catching. Walleye fishers trolling are focusing on the mouth of Crab Creek where it enters Potholes Reservoir and the Medicare Beach Area. Any day now the seasonal Lind Coulee Walleye feeding frenzy will begin.
Call for more information: (509) 346-2651 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.