Eagle Court of Honor held for Beck Bartrand
SCHAWANA - Fellow scouts, friends and family celebrated Beck Bartrand elevation to Scouting's highest rank last November with an Eagle Scout Court of Honor at the Ellensburg Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Bartrand, a Schawana resident, is a junior at Hanford High School in Richland. He has been a member of Lone Scouts, Troop 400 of Ellensburg, Troop 493 of Ellensburg, and Troop 168 of Kennewick.
Bartrand's Eagle Project was the building of a Forest Service Trail in the Taneum Creek area to reroute traffic off of private property onto Forest Service ground. It was a project that involved public and business support.
People came from various places to wish Bartrand well. Scouts from various Kittitas and Benton County troops participated in the ceremony. A bugle corps formed by Bartrand's friends performed.
Bartrand's brother Jonah "Duke" Bartrand gave John Wayne's famous interpretation of the Scout Law. Carl Nahpi spoke of Bartrand's trail to Eagle Scout. Bartrand's brother Arill, an Eagle scout, led the Eagle Charge, and Eagle Scout Patrick Timme of Ellensburg led the Eagle Promise.
In addition to his parents, Bartrand awarded mentor pins to trail building genius David Poage of Cle Elum, Assistant Scoutmaster Carl Nahpi of Ellensburg, Bible teacher Gene Cook of Napavine, former scoutmaster and committee chair Jeff Hylden of Kennewick and music teacher Kevin Swisher of Richland.