Bible Bowl win streak continues
SCHAWANA - The Wind Valley Bible Bowl team's members have changed considerably, but their knowledge of the Bible continues to amaze.
Wind Valley, which has won the last two national championships and four altogether, is winning again. It has taken first place at the Columbia Basin Regional (January) and Upper Columbia Conference (February) levels of the Pathfinder Bible Experience Program (Bible Bowl).
Wind Valley participated in the North Pacific Union level tournament in Gladstone, Oregon last Saturday. By taking first place, it advanced to the North American Division competition (national championship) in April.
Until this year, Wind Valley was led by members of the Bartrand family of Schawana. There is only one Bartrand (Anson) left. This team includes Adam Rinaldi, Benjamin Rentfro, Abe and Yve Ellis, Henassy Reeves, and Abe Shouse, all of Cle Elum.
But the coaching has remained constant. Anson's mother and brother, Meg and Beck Bartrand, do the teaching.
According to Meg Bartrand, team members have been studying the Gospel of Matthew diligently since last fall. Matthew is the topic of this year's Bible Bowl program.
Bible Bowl teams are allowed to have 2-6 members and an alternate. For the first time, Wind Valley has a full team.
"It is amazing what these kids can remember, with God's help," Meg Bartrand said.
A tournament consists of 90 questions. Once a question has been asked, the team has 10 seconds to answer.
Any team scoring within 90 percent of the highest score is considered a first place team. Any team scoring within 80 percent of the highest score is considered a second place team.
Next year's topic will be the Book of Exodus.