Laurie Lafser & Louise Andersen
ROYAL CITY - Laurie Lafser has been named Certified Employee of the Year and Louise Andersen Classified Employee of the Year by Royal School District staff.
The selections were made on Feb. 27.
Lafser has worked for the Royal School District for upwards of 20 years. Over the years she has volunteered on several committees and has yielded valuable feedback, according to Superintendent Rose Search. Lafser operates an opportunity room for struggling students who need extra help.
"Laurie genuinely cares about students and is more than willing to do what it takes to ensure students receive the highest quality education possible," Search said. "Royal School District is so very fortunate to have her, and we thank her for her relentless pursuit of excellence."
Andersen, a nurse, is a stellar example of a team player, Search said. She is a mentor, and her peers look to her for guidance, recommendations, and all health related work with students.
"Louise is a nurturing, diligent nurse who genuinely cares for the students of Royal," Search said. "Mrs. Andersen truly deserves the title of 2015 Royal School District Certificated Employee of the Year."
"Congratulations to Laurie and Louise," Search added. "The Royal School District is delighted and privileged to have such caring and dedicated employees. Thank you for all your hard work and devotion to the students of Royal."
The two RSD honorees will be recognized at the annual Grant County Excellence Banquet, sponsored by the North Central Education Service District. It will be held at Big Bend Community College on April 28.
Reservations are required, and there will be a minimal dinner fee. Social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will commence at 6 p.m., with awards to follow.
A representative from each participating school district will give a brief speech about the honoree and awards presented to their Employee of the Year after dinner.