Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Fishin' Magician

| June 5, 2015 1:45 PM

I was able to get out on the water at Lake Chelan to do some kokanee fishing again and in spite of radical changes in weather and a full moon had pretty good fishing. I launched at Mill Bay again, as I like to use the ramps here and the cleaning station when I return.

I ran down lake to just above Chelan Shores again, as that is where I found the fish last time. When I and my fellow anglers Tom Bartlett of Plain, and Gary Feil from Feil Boats and Motors arrived we found four other boats working the area and catching fish. It didn't take long for me to find some good schools and we had a large kokanee on ice in the first 15 minutes. As usual we would move in an out of fish and I was chasing schools from 50 to 100 feet deep.

Once again I had very good success using the Kokabow Fishing Tackle blades and spinners. I was using double blades. I may have been able to get away with using a single blade, but I have had such good success with the doubles I started out with them and stuck with it.

We lost a couple of fish at the net, but I continue to be impressed with how well-hooked the kokanee are on this gear. We left when the wind picked up in the early afternoon and we had a dozen kokanee in the cooler. They ranged in size from 11 to 14 inches. If you want good action on kokanee, try Chelan!