Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| July 16, 2015 1:00 PM




1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the real property hereinafter described is subject to foreclosure pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 87.06 for non-payment of the irrigation assessments levied and assessed by the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 87.03.

a. Description of the property assessed

That portion of Farm Unit 78, Irrigation Block 49, Columbia Basin Project, according to the Second Revision of the Farm Unit Plat thereof filed for record August 25, 1954 in the office of the Auditor of Adams County, Washington, described as follows:

Commencing at the Quarter corner on the Eastern boundary of Section 17, Township 15 North, Range 29, EWM; thence North 00°19'16” East a distance of 165.00 feet along the East boundary of Section 17, Township 15 North, Range 29, EWM to the Southeast corner of Farm Unit 78 and the True Point of Beginning; thence South 84°41'20” West a distance of 301.56 feet along the southern boundary of Farm Unit 78; thence North 0019'16” East a distance of 215.09 feet; thence South 89°40'44”East a distance of 184.08 feet to a point on the eastern boundary of Farm Unit 78;thence South 31°42'30” East a distance of 218.80 feet to the Southeast corner of Farm Unit 78 and the True Point of Beginning.

b. Street address of the property

c. Years for which the property above described has been assessed and is delinquent more than 36 calendar months from the date of delinquency.

2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

d. Amount of delinquent assessments , cost and interest through July 31, 2015

Years for Which Amount of Amount of Costs of Amount of Interest Total Amount of

Property Delinquent Collections on Delinquent Assessments, Costs,

Assessed Assessments Assessments and Interests

2008 69.85 60.89 130.74

2009 120.74 90.75 211.49

2010 111.08 69.93 181.01

2011 112.72 57.63 170.35

2012 114.14 44.46 158.60

2013 115.66 31.32 146.98

2014 117.43 17.55 134.98

2015 117.11 3.51 134.98

Chicago Title Insurance 323.10 $323.10

Total $1,577.87

e. Name(s) of owner(s) appearing on the Treasurer's most current assessment roll for the property:

Clint Gilbert and Rochelle Gilbert, husband and wife

f. Pursuant to RCW 87.06.020, interest will be charged on the delinquent assessments and costs set forth above at a rate of 12% per year, computed monthly and without compounding, from the date of issuance of this Certificate of Delinquency, and that additional costs incurred as a result of the delinquency will be imposed, including the costs of preparing certificates of delinquency and costs of foreclosure proceedings.

g. This Certificate of Delinquency for Unpaid Irrigation Assessments and for Costs and Interest is issued this 15th day of July, 2015.

Steve Kimble

East Columbia Basin Irrigation District


Pub.: July 16, 2015