Sunday, January 05, 2025


| February 17, 2015 12:00 PM




Project Name: Grant County International Airport Employment Center

Project Location: The Grant County International Airport Employment Center site is comprised of approximately 400 acres of land on and adjacent to the Port of Moses Lake. The site is located in Grant County and City of Moses Lake, and on the east edge of the Port property. (See the attached Vicinity Map.)

Description of Proposal: The Port of Moses Lake is proposing an employment center on

the approximately 400-acre site. The proposed Grant County International Airport

Employment Center is intended to strengthen the existing aerospace cluster and existing manufacturing cluster at and near the Grant County International Airport.

Proponent: Port of Moses Lake

Lead Agencies: Grant County and Port of Moses Lake are SEPA co-lead agencies on the project. Grant County is the nominal SEPA lead. City of Moses Lake, although not a lead agency, will provide consultation throughout the SEPA process.

EIS Required: The lead agencies, Grant County and Port of Moses Lake, have determined that this proposal is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c) and will be prepared to evaluate probable significant impacts and identify appropriate mitigation measures.

A Planned Action EIS will be prepared in accordance with WAC 197-11-164 and 168. The purpose of a Planned Action EIS is to conduct environmental review during the planning process in order to streamline environmental review at the project application stage.

Alternatives: The lead agencies have preliminarily identified three (3) alternatives that will

be analyzed in the EIS: two "Action" alternatives and a No Action Alternative. The action alternatives would feature a range of building densities and uses, with an emphasis on aerospace and manufacturing uses, consistent with the site's existing zoning classifications.

Elements of the Environment: The lead agencies have preliminarily identified the

following areas for analysis in the EIS:

* Earth

* Water Resources

* Plants and Animals

* Environmental Health

* Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

* Noise

* Land Use/Relationship to Plans and Policies

* Aesthetics

* Historic and Cultural Resources

* Transportation

* Public Services (Police, Fire/Emergency Services)

* Utilities (Sewer, Water)

Scoping: Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, elements of the environment, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and/or licenses/approvals that may be required.

Commenting: The following options are available to provide comments on the scope of

the EIS on or before 5:00 PM, Friday, March 6, 2015: 1) via email to Damien Hooper,

Grant County Planning Director at; 2) in writing to Damien

Hooper, Grant County Planning Department, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823; and 3) in

person at the public scoping meeting (details below).

Public Scoping Meeting: A public EIS scoping meeting will be held:

* on Wednesday, February 25, 2015

* from 6:00 PM to approximately 8:00 PM (including an open house from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and a brief presentation and comment period from 7:00 PM to approximately 8:00 PM)

* at the City of Moses Lake Civic Center, 401 S Balsam Street, Moses Lake

This meeting will provide an opportunity to learn more about the project and proposed actions, and to provide input on the SEPA environmental review process.


Pub.: February 17, 2015