Thursday, March 13, 2025

Everyone is invited to a birthday party for Jesus

| December 20, 2015 5:00 AM

With each passing day we come closer to Christmas. This time of year, I am so busy “doing” Christmas activities that when Christmas Day actually gets here, it usually feels anticlimactic.

This year, I have really tried to concentrate on the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is all about Jesus and his birth.

If Jesus had never been born, Christmas would not exist. We would still be celebrating Saturnalia; the old pagan holiday highlighting the winter solstice and the “sun god”.

After Jesus was born, the Roman Empire “baptized” this winter holiday in the fourth century and began to celebrate it as the birth of Jesus.

The Old Testament prophesied Jesus Christ’s coming in detail. God promised his people a Savior, and the lowly manger birth in Bethlehem fulfilled that promise.

Jesus wasn’t the charismatic military leader the Jewish people were expecting, but He was a Savior none-the-less. The fact that He was born in a stable connects Him with even the lowest of creatures.

Jesus’ birth gave those who would be called Christians the hope of eternal salvation. We don’t have to fear death anymore because this life is just the beginning of our journey with Christ.

The true meaning of Christmas is worldwide salvation. There was even a star in the heavens that proclaimed this miracle to the world. All people had to do was look up and open their eyes.

The marvelous thing about Jesus is that He didn’t come to save only the leaders, the educated, or the wealthy. He came to save everyone.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have, Jesus loves you. This fact makes me feel valued.

I don’t have to be a minister in some cathedral somewhere to make a difference. I can be happy honoring God in Royal City, and I will still be found worthy of God’s love.

Everyone needs hope. It gives us a reason to keep trying, to help others and to keep living even when we face hard times.

The Savior’s birth provides that hope. It lifts my spirits and I praise God for His generosity in sharing Christ with us.

I want to do more than open presents and eat food. I really want to celebrate all that Jesus has done for me. On Christmas Eve I am having cake and cookies and inviting everyone I know to a birthday celebration.

Who would Jesus invite to his birthday party? Well, I think He would invite those people who know Him and all the people who don’t.

There are still so many people in this world who haven’t heard the good news or have chosen to ignore it. Jesus would want to meet those people, allow them to get to know His love.

Our Savior is still reaching out to everyone in this world. This Christmas Eve if you feel like you would like to get to know Jesus more, come celebrate His birth with the Royal City Methodists at 3 p.m.