Dave Graybill: The Fishin' Magician
If you want to fish for steelhead you had better plan on fishing the main stem Columbia River for a while.
The tributaries are seriously blown out for the time being. As an example the Wenatchee River jumped from 3,000 cfs to over 13,000 cfs in one day.
Heavy rain following heavy snowfall in the area did it. If I was planning a steelhead trip it would be to the stretch of the Columbia at Bridgeport.
I love fishing up there and steelhead fishing has been good. It hasn’t disappointed me yet this season. Another spot on my list to fish as soon as I can is Lake Roosevelt.
I am getting reports that the kokanee fishing is very good at times here, and I really want to get some of these prized fish.
The trout fishing is always very good on Roosevelt and if that’s all I catch I am not that disappointed. The rainbow from Roosevelt are the best eating of any trout in the state.
Last I heard there wasn’t any snow to deal with at the launch at Spring Canyon. You can start fishing as soon as you clear the buoys and head out the main lake.