Sunday, December 15, 2024


| August 27, 2015 1:00 PM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD September 14, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing

Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to conduct a public hearing in accordance with Chapter 25.12 of the Grant County Unified Development Code to consider proposed amendments to the Grant County Comprehensive Plan submitted in accordance with the criteria listed in the Unified Development Code adopted in October, 2000 and as subsequently amended, and in accordance with State Law RCW 36.70A.


A non-project proposal to consider the adoption of amendments to the Grant County 2006 GMA Comprehensive Plan and associated zone changes. Proposed amendments considered for adoption include urban growth boundary changes, site-specific land use designation changes, changes to Figure 5-5 Future Land use Map; and rezones. PLEASE NOTE: Specific hearing times for

the individual applications will not be established as the hearing time for each application may vary; the applications will tentatively be heard sequentially as listed:

1. File #15-6064 Hintz Land LLC - Site-Specific Land Use Re-Designation and Zone Change. The subject site is comprised of approximately 3.2 acres ± with a current Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of Commercial, Urban. The applicant has submitted a Site Specific Land Use Re-designation application requesting a portion of the property be re-designated to Suburban Residential along with an application for a zone change from Urban Commercial 2 to Urban Residential 1. The subject site is located at the intersection of Beverly Burke Rd. NW and Baseline Rd. W., on the east side of Beverly Burke Rd. NW. Located in the NW _ of Section 6, Township 18 North, Range 24 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. Portion of Parcel #20-1541-000

2. File #15-6066 Lewis Neilson - Site-Specific Land Use Re-Designation and Zone Change. The proposal is comprised of a 2 acre parcel. The current designation of the parcel is Rural Industrial. The applicant has submitted a Site Specific Land Use Re-designation application requesting the property be re-designated to Irrigated as well as a zone change to Agriculture. The subject site is located on Road U SE approximately three (3) miles south of Warden (on the west side of Rd. U). Located in a portion of the SE _ of Section 33, Township 17 N, Range 30 E, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #18-1117-001

3. File #15-6065 Moses Lake School District/L Brothers - Site-Specific Land Use Re-Designation, Amendment to the Moses Lake UGA and Zone Change. The subject site is comprised of one parcel totaling approx 160 acres. The current Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of the parcels is Dryland. The applicant has submitted a Site Specific Land Use Re-designation application requesting the subject property be re-designated to Rural Remote along with an application for a rezone from Agriculture to Rural Remote. The property is located one mile of the intersection of Rd. M NW and Rd. 13 NW. Located in a portion of the W _ of S. 24, T. 21N, R. 24E, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #15-1217-000

Copies of the proposed amendment applications and Comprehensive Plan/FEIS and the 2015 Addendum to the EIS are available for review at the Grant County Planning Department, 264 West Division Avenue, Ephrata. Additional background data, including the petitions for urban growth boundary change, site specific land use re-designation and other amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, SEPA checklists prepared for proposed amendments, and other pertinent data is also available for public review. Contact Tyler Lawrence, Project Planner at 754-2011, Ext. 2501.

Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters.

Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC

Administrative Assistant &

Clerk of the Board

Grant County Commissioners


Pub.: August 27 & September 3, 2015