Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| April 24, 2015 1:00 PM

TAKE NOTICE: That on 4/09/2015 Peter Burgoon and Judith Lurie of Chelan County, Washington filed a water transfer application with the Chelan County Water Conservancy Board which was accepted and assigned identifier #CHEL 15-01.


TAKE NOTICE: That on 4/09/2015 Peter Burgoon and Judith Lurie of Chelan County, Washington filed a water transfer application with the Chelan County Water Conservancy Board which was accepted and assigned identifier #CHEL 15-01. You are encouraged to inquire further as directed below, but be advised of the following details:

Surface Water Certificate #S4-23520CWRIS issued to Don R. Kay with a priority date of June 10, 1974 authorizes 0.30cfs and 58.5afy for seasonal use from April 1st to October 1st diverted from an unnamed slough at point located within SWSW Sec. 20, T23N, R20E for 17ac irrigation located within portions of SW Sec. 20, T23N, R20EWM all in Chelan County WA.

Proposed changes to this right include changing the point of diversion to a point on the Columbia River location TBD within W1/2 Sec. 22, T15N, R23EWM, adding a well to be located within the E1/2SW Sec. 22, T15N, R23E, and changing the place of use to portions of E1/2SW and NWSE Sec. 22, T15N, R23E all in Grant County WA.

Any protests or objections to the approval of this application may be filed with the Department of Ecology and must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a fifty dollar ($50) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology Cashiering Unit, P.O. Box 47611, Olympia, WA 98504-7611 within thirty (30) days from April 24, 2015.

Any interested party may submit written comments, objections, and other information to the board regarding this application to its offices located at 1205 Ormiston St., Wenatchee, Washington, 98801. The comments and information may also be submitted in writing or verbally at any public meeting of the board until the board renders a decision on the application. This application will be on the board agenda during its regular meetings to be held at 285 Technology Center Way, Wenatchee, Washington, 98801, commencing May 14th , 2015 at 3:00PM and on the second Thursday of each month thereafter at 3:00PM until the board renders a decision on the application.


Pub.: April 17 & 24, 2015